Gossamer Wings Down in between / Under my arms, Within my atrophied gills, Silks a pair of gossamer wings. My fear is their carapace. When I was born I was born as a larvae Hatched out to worm my way through a world With dirty grease and gizzards my gall. Then again I was born With these gills and these silks. These are a glamour gargantuan Willing to waft me into the glory. Contented saints flow in the gale; Poised to the source and the seeking, Fully exposed and carefreed about. Breathing agape with winged extensity. Living with wonder Wounded by pride / Are those who have tried Above their measure And disdaining to train. Faith must grow and blossom / In the quiet of the Spirit's calm. The waif tenders wingtips, Watching the invisible wait, Obeying the hour, Trusting the Father, Carrying the easiest burden. God's fool to self is dying. Mike Scudder Independence Day 1993